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Over $400 in Grade-Level ELAR Resources for Only $35!!
100+ Resources Per Grade! Each grade level bundle contains over 100 resources, designed to use year-round!
$400+ Value PER GRADE! Save over 90% on retail with this one-time deal!
Year-Long Access! Login & download resources all school year, or simply download them all to your personal device! (Must download by May 31st, 2024.)
What's In Each Bundle?
100+ Diverse, Engaging Resources That Can Be Used Year-Round!
Word Walls
Digital Activities
Engaging Activities
No Prep Worksheets
Classroom Decor Projects
Escape Rooms & Mysteries
Variety of Topics & Standards Covered
Novel & Book Studies
click below to get a complete list of all the incredible resources included in each bundle!
Purchase an individual grade level or save even more with a Mega Bundle!!
Want to Purchase for Your Whole Team? Get your school to purchase for you!
Tax exempt entities in Texas, Alabama, Minnesota, North Carolina, Maryland and Kentucky may submit a tax exemption certificate here to purchase without taxes. All other states/countries will not be taxed via the purchase options below.
We accept Purchase Orders for orders over $100!
Send your team's wishlist to your admin (along with the name of the teacher author who told you about the sale!), and have them visit HERE!
Get the answer to all your Ultimate ELAR Bundle Questions
How will I access my resources?
After purchasing, you'll receive a welcome email titled "Access Your ELAR Bundle" with your secure login information. You'll be able to access & download your resources via this login until May 31st, 2024. You'll want to download them before access ends!
Are there duplicate resources in the different bundles?
We've done our best to make sure there are no duplicate items in each of the three grade-level bundles! You may find 1-2 items that are the same out of 100+ resources! So if you're trying to decide which one to get, get them all!
How many resources are digital vs. printable?
There's a healthy mix of digital and printable options, with many resources including both options. To see complete resource lists, find the "See All Resources..." button for each grade. Each of the 3 grade levels has a complete resource list that you can peruse to see if the bundle is a good fit for you!
Can the resources created for Google apps be used for Microsoft?
Some will work just fine in Microsoft, and others will not be compatible. We cannot guarantee that any of them will be compatible, but we have SO MANY other incredible resources included in the bundle that we feel certain you are still receiving an incredible value.
What if I didn't receive my login email?
If you didn't receive your login email after purchase, check your spam folder first! If you don't find it, you can GO HERE to submit a support ticket. We ask that you have your purchase email address handy, as well as an alternate email address in case your school district is blocking our emails.
When will you do this again?
We only offer these year-long bundles once a year! And the contents of the bundles change each year. So if you want this one, you'll have to get it now!
Will I get lifetime access?
Once downloaded, you can keep your resources forever!! But they must be downloaded by May 31st, 2024!
Are these bundles organized?
Each grade level bundle is organized into dozens of topics. So you can find the topic you need a resource for, then choose from the resources available for that topic!
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